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Kingsbridge Hospital

UK 028 90 667 878  ROI 048 90 667 878 

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ROI 071 916 2649 

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ROI 048 9068 8858 

Taking the Step to Reduce our Carbon Footprint

02nd, Jun 2015

The 3fivetwo Group as a company holds environmental matters very close to their hearts.

The 3fivetwo Group as a company holds environmental matters very close to their hearts.

In addition to providing the very best in private healthcare and customer service, we are committed to delivering these services with minimum impact on the environment.

We are always looking for new initiatives to raise awareness amongst our staff and service providers which will help us in our goal to reduce our carbon footprint.

Our Company’s Environmental Statement shows the commitment from the Board of Directors, which cascades down through our company.

“ 352 Medical Limited t/a 3FiveTwo Group (hereinafter jointly and separately referred to as the ‘Organisation’) recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in compliance with all legal requirements relating to the provision of Group administration, clinical services and training. It is the Organisations declared policy to operate with and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies.”

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