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Mr Gavin Heyes

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

GMC No.7015663
Book Appointment

Mr. Heyes qualified from Queens University Belfast Medical School in July 2008. During his undergraduate training, he completed an externship through Harvard Medical School at Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston in Trauma and Orthopaedics and was awarded the Wilson Orthopaedics Medal for Orthopaedics.

Mr. Heyes undertook his postgraduate training in Trauma and Orthopaedics in Northern Ireland and following that he competed a 12-month British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society recognised fellowship with Mr Andy Molloy at Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust (LUHFT).

In July 2019 he was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to stay as a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust, a regional major trauma centre, until August 2022. At LUHFT Mr. Heyes was appointed as one of the training leads and is actively involved in training, education and fellowship development.

He has written book chapters in the field of foot and ankle surgery and FRCS questions for reference books to aid examination revision for the generation of orthopaedic consultants. He is a Royal College of Surgeons England surgical tutor and a member of faculty on the Basic Surgical Skills course. In August 2022 he joined the Trauma and Orthopaedic department at Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast and Musgrave Park Hospital Belfast. He is currently the foot and ankle lead for the Belfast Trust.

Mr. Heyes is widely published in trauma and foot and ankle surgery. This includes some seminal work in the field and has led to multiple invitational review articles. He has presented at many national and international meetings and has been invited to lecture both nationally and internationally, teaching allied health professionals, junior doctors and other Orthopaedic surgeons.

Mr. Heyes specialise as a foot and ankle surgeon, treating all disorders of the foot and ankle including deformity correction, heel pain, foot and ankle arthritis, metatarsalgia, bunions, flat feet and ligament injuries. He has a particular interest in foot and ankle trauma and sporting injuries (treating both professional and recreational sportspeople) offering both open, selective minimally invasive surgery and arthroscopic (keyhole) surgery.

Current NHS Posts

Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast

Musgrave Park Hospital

Personal profile

During his spare time Mr. Heyes enjoys sailing and exploring the great outdoors with his young family and dog.



Professional bodies (Positions held in last 3 years)

General Medical Council member: 7015663

Medical Protection Society member: 341406

British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society member

Irish Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society member

British Medical Association 8250664

Orthopaedic Trauma Society 0TS-00415


Nebhani N, Trivedy M, Heyes G, Molloy A, Mason L. Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus Measurement Comparison of the 2 Radiographic Methods. Foot Ankle Spec. 2022 Feb 16.

Molloy A, Tangirala R, Lyle S, Heyes G. Comparing Infection Rates from Using Different Surgical Preparation Solutions and Techniques in Foot & Ankle Elective Surgery. Foot Ankle Orthopaedics. 2022 Jan.

Weigelt W, Mason L, Lambert L, Heyes G J. Comparison of 3D Surface Rendering CT to Plain Lateral Radiographs for Quantification and Characterisation of Posterior Malleolar Fracture Fragment Size and Morphology. Foot Ankle Orthopaedics. 2022 Jan.

Heyes G, Khashkhusha T, Mason L. Posterolateral Approach to Posterior Malleolar Fractures- A literature review. Foot Ankle Spec. 2021 Aug 5;19386400211009366

Weigelt L, Redfern J, Heyes G, Butcher C, Molloy A, Mason L. Risk factors for non-union after first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with a dorsal locking plate and compression screw construct: correction of hallux valgus is key. J Foot Ankle Surgery. 2021 May (Article in press)

Heyes G J, Mason L, Molloy A. Response to “Letter regarding: pes planus deformity and Its association with hallux valgus recurrence following scarf osteotomy” Foot Ankle Int. 2021;42(1):117-118

Mason L, Molloy A, Heyes G. The posterior malleolar fracture – is the rule of a third or use of percentages an orthopaedic myth? Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedics. 2021;9(1)28-30

Weigelt W, Heyes G, Mason L, Molloy A. The Scarf Osteotomy. Techniques in Foot and Ankle Surgery.2021 Jan Epub ahead of print.

Heyes G, Weigelt L, Molloy A, Mason L. The influence of smoking on foot and ankle surgery: a review of the literature. Foot. 2021 Mar ;46:101735. Epub.

Heyes G, Vosoughi A, Weigelt L, Mason L, Molloy A. Pes planus deformity and Its association With hallux valgus recurrence following scarf osteotomy. Foot Ankle Int. 2020.41(10):1212-1218

Heyes G, Vosoughi A, Swanton E, Molloy A, Mason L. Comparative study of spring ligament reconstructions using either hamstring allograft or synthetic ligament augmentation. Foot Ankle Int. 2020 Jul;41(7):803-810

Heyes G, Molloy A. Treatment of Stage 4 Flatfoot. Foot Ankle Clin. 2020 Jun;25(2):269-280

Molloy A, Heyes G. Cost-effectiveness of Surgical Techniques in Hallux Valgus. Foot Ankle Clin. 2020;25(1):19-29.

Vosoughi A, Heyes G, Molloy A, Mason L, Hoveidaei A. Management of Tibialis Anterior Tendon Rupture: Recommendations based on the Literature Review. Foot Ankle Surg. 2019;Jun 21:26(5):487-493

Heyes GJ, Jones M, Verzin, E, McLorinan G, Darwish N, Eames N. Influence of timing of surgery on Cauda Equina syndrome: Outcomes at a national spinal centre. Journal of Orthopaedics. 2018;15(1):210-215.

Archbold HAP, Rankin AT, Webb M, Nicholas R, Eames NWA, Wilson RK, Henderson LA, Heyes GJ, Davies R, Bleakley CM. Recurrent injury patterns in adolescent rugby. Phys Ther Sport. 2018;18(33):12-17.

Heyes GJ, Julian H, Mawhinney I. Metallosis and carpal tunnel syndrome following total wrist arthroplasty. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2018 May;43(4):448-450.

Archbold HA, Rankin AT, Webb M, Nicholas R, Eames NW, Wilson RK, Henderson LA, Heyes GJ, Bleakley CM. RISUS study: Rugby Injury Surveillance in Ulster Schools. Br J Sports Med. 2017 Apr;51(7):600-606.

Heyes GJ, Tucker A, Marley D, Foster A. Predictors for 1-year mortality following hip fracture: a retrospective review of 465 consecutive patients. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2017 Feb;43(1):113-119.

Heyes GJ, McConway J. The effect of training on fracture clinic efficiency and patient access. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2016;50(3):309-14.

Tucker A, Jones M, Hodgins N, Heyes GJ, Acton D. Metal on Metal (MoM) hip arthroplasty: An observational study on the effect of bearing contact surface area and contact pressure on metal ion levels. Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2015;230(4):389-395.

Heyes GJ, Tucker A, Marley D, Foster A. Predictors for readmission up to 1 year following hip fracture. Arch Trauma Res. 2015 Jun 20;4(2):e27123

Heyes GJ, Tucker A, Michael AL, Wallace RG. The incidence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism following cast immobilisation and early functional bracing of Tendo Achilles rupture without thromboprophylaxis. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2015; Jun;41(3):273-6.

Heyes GJ, Tucker A, Michael AL, Wallace RG. The epidemiology of Tendo Achilles rupture: A regional perspective. Ann Orthop Rheumatol. 2014;2(2):1-5.

Heyes GJ, Craig J, Hinds JD, Kealey DW. The burden of motorcycle trauma and seasonal change at a regional trauma centre. Ulster Med J. 2014 Jan;83(1):55-6.

Yoong S, Heyes GJ, Davison GW, Hannon R, O'Donnell ME. Spontaneous dissection of the external iliac artery secondary to golf club manufacturing. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2013 Jan;47(1):73-5.

Wallace RG, Heyes GJ, Michael AL. The non-operative functional management of patients with a rupture of the tendo Achillis leads to low rates of re-rupture. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011 Oct;93(10):1362-6.

Treatments and areas of interest

  • Major Trauma
  • Foot and ankle surgery including; arthroscopy, tenoscopy, ligament and flatfoot reconstruction, ankle arthroplasty, forefoot deformity correction and bunion correction.
  • Ankle sports injuries.
  • Diabetic foot reconstruction

Referral Requirements

  • No referral required

Consultation Fee

Initial Face-To-Face Consultation Fee £250

Follow Up Consultation Fee £180

Please note that our practice uses a third-party billing company, Medical Collections Ltd. By booking an appointment, patients consent to their data being shared with Medical Collections Ltd for financial processing purposes.’

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Belfast & North West

A £35.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Sligo

A €10.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Kingsbridge North West
Church Hill House, Main Street, Ballykelly, BT49 9HS

Book Appointment
028 9066 7878
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Mr Gavin Heyes's Services

At our Belfast location
ACL Knee Reconstruction Ankle Arthroscopy Foot & Ankle Surgery Orthopaedic Services
At our North West location
Foot & Ankle Surgery ACL Knee Reconstruction Ankle Arthroscopy

Kingsbridge Help & Support

A credit or debit card is necessary to secure your booking. The card will be saved as your default payment method. You'll receive notifications regarding any outstanding balances. For details on the information we collect and process, while providing your healthcare, please refer to our privacy policy. By using this service, you consent to our privacy policy.

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