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Mr Neville Thompson

Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic (Hand & Upper Limb) Surgeon

GMC No: 4305613
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Mr Neville Thompson specialises in hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder conditions/surgery. He sees children (with the exception of congenital hand problems), adolescents and adults.

Mr Thompson graduated from The Queen’s University of Belfast in 1996 winning two undergraduate prizes in his final year. After completing his pre-registration House Officer year, he commenced his basic surgical training in 1997 and during this time he worked through a number of specialist posts gaining experience in general surgery, vascular surgery, plastic/reconstructive surgery and trauma and orthopaedic surgery. He developed a keen interest in trauma and orthopaedic surgery and proceeded to higher surgical training within the Northern Ireland deanery in 2001. During this time, he also completed a year of funded research at Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast and was awarded a Master of Philosophy by The Queen’s University of Belfast in 2004 following submission and acceptance of his thesis.

Mr Thompson was awarded by examination his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh in 2005. During the latter part of his training, he developed an interest in hand and upper limb surgery and further pursued this interest by means of a one-year Fellowship post at Wrightington Hospital, an Internationally renowned centre for hand and upper limb surgery. During this year, he gained significant knowledge and expertise incorporating all aspects of hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder surgery. He also learned many new operative procedures, in particular, arthroscopic (keyhole) shoulder procedures. He was awarded his Certificate of Completion of Training in February 2007, and he is on the specialist register for trauma and orthopaedics.

On returning to the province, Mr Thompson took up post as a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon with a specialist interest in hand and upper limb surgery in July 2007 based at Altnagelvin Hospital and has been in this post for over 16 years. He is also now the Clinical Lead for Trauma & Orthopaedics in the Western Health and Social Care Trust. Over the years, he has worked hard to develop the hand and upper limb service within the Trust. He has also been heavily involved in education and training, both locally and regionally, and in quality improvement and research. He keeps his knowledge and skills updated by regularly attending meetings and courses and reads a number of peer-reviewed journals on a monthly basis so that he knows what is topical within his area of specialist practice.


Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic (Hand & Upper Limb) Surgeon
Altnagelvin Hospital, Glenshane Road, Derry/Londonderry BT47 6SB

Clinical Lead for Trauma & Orthopaedics
Western Health and Social Care Trust.

Personal profile

Mr Thompson is married with a small family made complete by his black Labrador, Ozzy. In the past he has played hockey and squash and enjoys the outdoors. His main passion is music which includes, blues, rock, and metal music. He attends numerous music festivals, and also plays electric guitar in a gigging rock band which helps him to deal with the pressures of being a busy Consultant. Given that he plays guitar and watches a lot of musicians perform, he is aware of the hand and upper limb problems that musicians can experience, particularly those playing at high levels of intensity. This is an area of his practice that he plans to explore and develop.


Bachelor of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Child Health (Awarded 1996)

Master of Philosophy (Awarded 2004)

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh [Trauma & Orthopaedics] (Awarded 2005)

Professional bodies (Positions held in last 3 years)

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh

Member of the British Elbow and Shoulder Society

Member of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand

Member of the Irish Shoulder and Elbow Society

Member of the Irish Hand Surgical Society

Member of the Medical Protection Society


Mr Thompson has 54 peer-reviewed publications to date - the ten most recent publications are as follows:

McKeag P, Lyske J, Reaney J, Thompson N. Subtalar dislocation secondary to a low energy injury. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Feb 3

Murphy L, Lynch-Wong M, Wong-Chung J, Thompson N. Vertical axis dislocation with coronal fracture of the patella: A previously unreported injury pattern. Trauma Case Rep. 2015: 1(5-8): 49-53

Mayne AI, Thompson NW. Improving acute kidney injury management in lower limb arthroplasty: an educational approach. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2016: 26(2); 195-8

Murphy LE, Murphy KM, Kilpatrick S, Thompson NW. The use of Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum in the management of Dupuytren’s contracture- outcomes of a pilot study in a District General Hospital setting. Ulster Med J. 2017; 86(2): 94-98

Gallagher BJ, Hegarty P, Kilpatrick S, Thompson NW. Complete transection of the radial nerve associated with a closed humeral shaft fracture. Ulster Med J. 2017; 86(3): 202-3

Donnelly KJ, Tucker A, Ruiz A, Thompson NW. Managing extremely distal periprosthetic femoral supracondylar fracture of total knee replacements- a new PHILOS-ophy. World J Orthop. 2017; 8(10): 809-13

Milligan DJ, Thompson NW, O’Longain D. Volar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint. Ulster Med J. 2018; 87(2): 133-134

Lloyd R, Baker G, MacDonald J, Thompson NW. Co-morbidities in patients with a hip fracture. Ulster Med J. 2019; 88(3): 162-66

Arneill R, Arneill M, Thompson NW, Armstrong D. An ‘atypical’ atypical femoral fracture. Ulster Med J. 2019; 88(3): 182-83

Waterworth R, Thompson NW. Iatrogenic pneumothorax following plate fixation of the clavicle. Ulster Med J. 2020; 89(2): 122-3

Treatments and areas of interest

  • Hand and wrist procedures including the removal of lumps and bumps such as ganglions, surgery for Dupuytren’s disease, trigger finger release, carpal tunnel release, surgery for arthritis (bone excision, fusions and replacements). Mr Thompson also perform wrist arthroscopy (keyhole surgery)
  • Elbow procedures including elbow arthroscopy, surgery for elbow stiffness, elbow replacements, cubital tunnel release and surgery for tennis elbow/golfer’s elbow
  • Shoulder procedures including open and arthroscopic procedures for impingement/tendinitis, rotator cuff tendon tears, frozen shoulder, instability and all types of shoulder replacement surgery
  • Hand and upper limb injections
  • Management of traumatic hand and upper limb conditions such as soft tissue injuries, tendon injuries, fractures and dislocations
  • (In view of the fact that his practice includes the entirety of the hand and upper limb, he can see a patient with problems affecting multiple areas during one consultation)

Consultation Fee

Initial Face-To-Face Consultation Fee £150

Follow Up Consultation Fee £100

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Belfast & North West

A £35.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Sligo

A €10.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Associated Insurance Companies

  • H3
  • Bupa
  • Beneden
  • AXA
  • Aviva
  • Vitality
  • WPA
  • Cigna
  • VHI
  • Irish Life
  • Laya Healthcare

Kingsbridge Help & Support

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