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Mr Shanmugasundaram Rajkumar

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

GMC No: 5194508
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Mr S Rajkumar is a Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in conditions of the lower limb including primary hip and knee surgery and revision surgery, knee arthroscopic surgery including cartilage preservation and foot surgery. 

Mr Rajkumar joined as a Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedics at Craigavon Area Hospital, Northern Ireland in 2015 and has been a consultant since 2010. 

His main interests are upper /lower limb trauma, complex peri-articular fracture fixation, peri-prosthetic fracture fixation/replacement surgery, hip & knee arthroplasty(primary/revision), knee arthroscopic surgery and foot surgery. He graduated from the University of Madras, India in 1992 and underwent post-graduate training in orthopaedics in both Madras and the UK leading to FRCS-Trauma & Orthopaedics degree.

He completed a fellowship in lower limb arthroplasty surgery (primary/revision) and ACLR/knee arthroscopic surgery in Reading, UK. Subsequently, he started working as consultant in trauma and orthopaedics in hospitals in England including Wrightington Hospital ( Centre of Excellence for joint replacement surgery) before joining the orthopaedic team at Craigavon Area hospital, NI. 

Mr Rajkumar has published both trauma and orthopaedic related papers in peer review journals and is a reviewer for a number of medical journals including JBJS (BJJ). He is a Consulting Editor for 3 peer reviewed international journals. He has presented nationally and internationally and has been invited to lecture and examine for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students. He is a faculty member for Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow for training and development and FRCS-Tr & Orth teaching courses and a member of various medical and orthopaedic associations in UK. 

He has recently been appointed as Regional Surgical Advisor for Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow. 

Research interest: He has been involved in research activities including setting up a RCT study and contributing to multi-centre trials in UK and Europe. His current interests are quality improvement in elective orthopaedic surgery and improving orthopaedic teaching and training. Mr Rajkumar uses 100% ODEP 10A rated implants for his hip and knee replacement surgeries. 

My Outcomes: 

Current NHS Post

Mr Rajkumar is a Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon at Craigavon Area Hospital, Northern Ireland

Personal profile

In my spare time, I enjoy travelling, hiking, badminton, cycling, tennis  and cooking south Indian recipes 


MBBS Madras University, India 1992

Diploma in Hospital Administration Inst for Social Sciences & Research, India 1994

Diploma in Orthopaedics Dr MGR Medical University, Madras, India 1996

FRCS- surgery in general Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow 2000

FRCS - Trauma and Orthopaedics Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow 2009

Lower Limb Fellowship (Arthroplasty & ACLR) Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Trust , Reading 2009

Professional bodies (Positions held in last 3 years)

Regional Surgical College Advisor Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow 2015 – 18

Academy of Clinical Educators, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow 2016

British Orthopaedic Association - member

British Medical Association - member

International Congress for Joint Reconstruction - member

British Society of Computer Assisted Surgery - member

British Indian Orthopaedic Society - Life member

Fellow of Academy of General Education, Manipal - Life member


Osteochondral injuries of the knee. S MacMohan, S Rajkumar. Open EFORT Reviews (accepted)Use of thrombin fibrin sealant in reducing blood loss in revision hip arthroplasty – Ali Gosh, S Rajkumar, S Tavares. The Open Orthopaedics Journal 2015,9 ( sup 2: M10)511-514.

Does Intramedullary Plugging Reduce Blood Transfusion Requirements in TKR: A Randomised Controlled Trial. S Rajkumar, S Thiagaraj, A Ghoz, R Dodds, S Tavares (submitted)A rare case of primary psoas abscess causing hip pain in THR: CR & review of literature. BS Dhinsa, S Rajkumar. Acta Orthop et Trauma Turcica 2014; 48 (5):598-601

Primary Meningococcal Oligoarthritis of knee - Case Report & Review of Literature. H Adbul-Jabber, U Brady, S Rajkumar. European J of Orthopaedics & Traumatology Dec 2011; Vol2: 5-6:149-152

Results following repair of gluteus medius defects following total hip arthroplasty, S Rajkumar, J Jones, GC Singer. Hip International 2011; 21(3): 293-298.

Patient compliance with DVT prophylaxis in lower limb arthroplasty surgery. S Rajkumar, S Tavares. The Online Journal of Clinical Audits. 2010; 2(2): 2-10.

Early results with osteochondral autogeneous graft transfer for osteochondral defects in knee joint. S Rajkumar, R Pande, PJ Livesley. Journal of Orthopaedics. 2006; 3(3) e9.

Fracture occurring in Osteoid osteoma. S Rajkumar, PJ Livesley. J of Orthopaedics 2005: 2(6) e8.

Performance problems of patients with chronic low-back pain and the measurement of patient-centred outcome. Andrew Walsh D, Johnson P, Rajkumar S, Bennetts K. Spine. 2004; 29(1): 87-93.

Unusual Cause Of Hip Pain In A Child. S Rajkumar, R Dega. The I J of Paed & Neo. 2006; 6, No 1.A single clinical sign to test for functioning of all 3 Nerves of the hand. S Rajkumar, S Tay. The Internet Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2006; 3 No 1.

Clinical triad for diagnosing occult hip fractures with normal radiographs. S Rajkumar, S Tay. The Internet Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2006. Volume 3 Number 1.

Tips for safe knee arthroscopic surgery. S Rajkumar. Journal of Orthopaedics 2005; 2(5) e6.

Treatments and areas of interest

  • Hip surgery - primary THR and revisions
  • Knee surgery - primary TKR
  • Unicompartmental KR and revisions
  • Knee arthroscopy surgery
  • Cartilage preservation
  • Foot surgery - Mid foot and forefoot
  • Trauma surgery - Upper /lower limb surgery
  • Research interests: Arthroplasty and trauma Cartilage regeneration Clinical Outcomes, Quality Improvement

Referral Requirements

  • No referral required

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