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Professor Ian Walsh

Consultant Urologist

GMC No. 3199534 / IMC 424264
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Professor Ian Walsh is a Urologist and Senior Lecturer at Kingsbridge Private Hospital, Kingsbridge Maypole Clinic and Queen’s University Belfast/Oxford University and now resident Urologist at Kingsbridge Private Hospital Sligo.

Professor Walsh was Assistant Professor of Urology at the University of California, where he completed a subspecialty Fellowship in Reconstructive and Neuro-Urology before returning to Belfast. Prior to this, he trained in Northwest England, Northern Ireland and USA (Urology Fellowships in Chicago, Boston and Miami).

His subspecialty areas of expertise include functional urology, sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence and bladder dysfunction, psychosexual medicine, neurourology, human factors, patient safety, cognition, arts in medicine and qualitative research (for which he was awarded a Master of Science degree with distinction). He has produced two theses and circa 130 publications. He has been conferred Senior Fellowship of The Higher Education Authority and is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts.

Professor Walsh is Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Irish Association of Sexual Medicine and a founding member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons Society for Female, Neurological and Urodynamic Urology; as well as Editor of both The Journal of Psychosexual Medicine and Healthcare. He leads both Healthcare Human Factors in N. Ireland and Medical Humanities at Queen’s University Belfast and is a senior Council Member of The Institute of Psychosexual Medicine.

Professor Walsh was recently appointed Honorary Professor of Practice, Queen’s University Belfast, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences in the disciplines of Urology, Surgery and Psychosexual Medicine

Current NHS / Academic Posts

Clinical Senior Lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast
Clinical Tutor at Oxford University

Personal profile

Professor Walsh is a professional musician (classically trained multi- instrumentalist) and works as a music producer. He is also a professional writer, with both fiction and nonfiction amongst his published works. He is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts..

Professor Ian Walsh is a proud supporter of Kingsbridge Foundation. Contributing monthly to aid charitable causes in Northern Ireland.



GMC No. 3199534

Honorary Professor of Practice

Queen’s University Belfast, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences in the disciplines of Urology, Surgery and Psychosexual Medicine

Professional bodies (Positions held in last 3 years)

GMC Specialist Register (Urology)

Member of British Association of Urological Surgeons

Member of Institute of Psychosexual Medicine

Scientific Chair of Irish Association of Psychosexual Medicine

Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow

Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Senior Fellow of Higher Education Authority

British Medical Association

Ulster Medical Society

Chair of Healthcare Human Factors NI

The Balint Society

Renal Arts Group

Chair of Transatlantic Arts

Humanities and Healthcare

Irish Society of Urology

Board of Directors Arts Care NI

Royal Society of Arts


Walsh IK. Physical Aspects of the Sex Response.

Introduction to Psychosexual Medicine, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group 2019

Carswell C, Noble HR, Walsh IK, Reid J. Visual Arts-Based Interventions for Hospitalised Patients with Cancer: A Systematic Literature review.

British Journal of Healthcare Management 2018 24 (12), 611-16.

Walsh I, Quinn J, Spencer A, Noble H. AnArtomy: Arts, Anatomy and Medicine – Human Beings Being Human.

MedEdPublish, 2018, 7, [3], 66  

Walsh IK. Medicine and Humanities: Human Beings Being Human.

IPMJ 2017; 72: 13-17

Walsh IK, Murphy P. Healtheatre: Drama and Medicine in Concert.

Healthcare 2017. 5, 37

Editorial: Mindfulness in Healthcare. Healthcare Oct 2020

Complex arts-based interventions for patients receiving haemodialysis: A realist review. Arts and Health 2020

Treatments and areas of interest

  • Sexual dysfunction - male and female
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Bladder problems
  • Urinary problems
  • Psychosexual dysfunction
  • Medicolegal services

Consultation Fee

Initial Face-To-Face Consultation Fee £220

Follow Up Consultation Fee £180

Video and Telephone Consultation (New and Review)  £150

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Belfast & North West

A £35.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Sligo

A €10.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Associated Insurance Companies

  • H3
  • Bupa
  • AXA
  • Aviva
  • Vitality
  • WPA

Kingsbridge Help & Support

A credit or debit card is necessary to secure your booking. The card will be saved as your default payment method. You'll receive notifications regarding any outstanding balances. For details on the information we collect and process, while providing your healthcare, please refer to our privacy policy. By using this service, you consent to our privacy policy.

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