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Why cardiac screening has become a must for GAA Clubs

23rd, Jun 2015

Last month 36 members of Magilligan GAC underwent cardiac screening with 3fivetwo Group, prompted by the tragic death of player, Steven Deeney. Medical experts are still investigating why the apparently fit and healthy 32-year-old’s heart failed in the hope their findings will help prevent other tragedies.

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Last month 36 members of Magilligan GAC underwent cardiac screening with 3fivetwo Group, prompted by the tragic death of player, Steven Deeney. Medical experts are still investigating why the apparently fit and healthy 32-year-old’s heart failed in the hope their findings will help prevent other tragedies.

Club chairman Peter Mullan said

“Steven’s death was a terrible shock, one which we are still coming to terms with as a community and as a club, so we are tremendously grateful to the Derry County Board for their support, advice and counselling.


“Also, I can’t speak highly enough of the dedication of the staff delivering cardiac screening from the 3fivetwo Group. Two staff came to Magilligan recently and worked non-stop for six hours to ensure everyone who wanted a screening got one.


“Steven was young, fit and apparently healthy, so what happened to him could happen to anyone. We will keep his memory alive through the new gym, as well as taking every step possible to safeguard and protect players.


“We have scheduled another defib training session with the 3fivetwo Group for next month, for example, and I believe this, supported by annual pre-season cardiac screening, will help save lives in the future.”


What you need to know about cardiac screening

Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of death in the UK. According to the Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Foundation, over 40% of all adult deaths are caused by such conditions.

Diet, lifestyle, stress-levels and family history are all factors in determining your potential for heart issues. Cardiac screening gives you the opportunity to have your risk assessed.

This can be an effective way of diagnosing any cardiac problems and helping you to find an effective treatment if required.

If you would like to find out more about cardiac screening for you or your club, call us on 028 (048) 9073 5282 or make an enquiry here

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