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Dr Ashley Elliott


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Dr Elliott is a Consultant Rheumatologist at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Queens University Belfast. At QUB he carried out a PhD assessing those with inflammatory arthritis using ultrasound to assess their response to biologic therapy. 

Dr Elliot completed his clinical training gaining dual accreditation in both rheumatology and general medical and has an EFSUM qualification in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. He has also gained a Masters from the University of Edinburgh for Internal Medicine and a Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education from QUB. In his role within the Belfast Trust he assess patients with all forms of rheumatic disease and he runs a rapid access giant cell arteritis scanning clinic and tight control of psoriatic arthritis service.

Dr Elliot has been the recipient of international research grants including the Doris Hillier Award and GRAPPA Pilot grant to carry out his work assessing those with Inflammatory Arthritis. He was the recipient of the Irish Society of Rheumatology young investigator award for his research. He co-hosts a podcast for the British Society of Rheumatology on clinical cases and is a member of multiple research groups attempting to come up with better answers for those living with rheumatic disease.


MB Bch BAO MRCP (Edin) MSc PgDip MRCP (Rheum) PhD

Professional bodies (Positions held in last 3 years)

Professional Membership

  • Royal College of Physicians
  • British Society for Rheumatology
  • Irish Society of Rheumatology

Active Committee Membership

  • British Psoriatic Arthritis Consortium (BritPACT) Steering committee (UK research group focused on increasing knowledge, awareness and management of psoriatic arthritis)
  • Digital Learning Board- British Society of Rheumatology
  • New Drugs Committee Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Active Research Group Membership

  • Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis
  • EULAR study group on microcirculation in Rheumatic Disease


A Elliott A, Tejpal G, Jaehwan K et al. Advances in Psoriatic Disease Research: Insights From GRAPPA Pilot Research Awardees. The J Rheumatol Jul 2024, jrheum.2024-0292; DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.2024-0292

Elliott, Pendleton A, Wright G, Rooney M. Effect of TNF-alpha inhibitors versus Secukinumab on Active Ultrasound Confirmed Enthesitis in Psoriatic Arthritis. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis 2023

Di Matteo A, Moscioni E, Lommano MG, Cipolletta E, Smerilli G, Farah S, Airoldi C, Aydin SZ, Becciolini A, Bonfiglioli K, Carotti M, Carrara G, Cazenave T, Corradini D, Cosatti MA, de Agustin JJ, Destro Cas-taniti GM, Di Carlo M, Di Donato E, Di Geso L, Elliott A et al. Reliability assessment of ultrasound muscle echogenicity in patients with rheumatic diseases: Results of a multicenter international web-based study. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Jan 17;9:1090468. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.1090468. PMID: 36733934

Castillo RL, Yan D, Ashhurst AS, Elliott A, Angioni MM, Scher JU, Naik S, Neimann A, Byrne SN, Payne RJ, FitzGerald O, Pennington SR, Cauli A, Chandran V. GRAPPA 2020 Research Award Recipients. J Rheu-matol. 2022 Jun;49(6 Suppl 1):55-56. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.211335. Epub 2022 Mar 15. PMID: 35293338

Di Matteo A, Cipolletta E, Destro Castaniti GM, Smerilli G, Airoldi C, Aydin SZ, Becciolini A, Bonfiglioli K, Bruns A, Carrara G, Cazenave T, Ciapetti A, Cosatti MA, de Agustín JJ, Di Carlo M, Di Donato E, Di Geso L, Duran E, Elliott A et al. Reliability assessment of the definition of ultrasound enthesitis in SpA: results of a large, multicentre, international, web-based study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Nov 28;61(12):4863-4874. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac162. PMID: 35293988

Eder L, Mathew AJ, Carron P, Bertheussen H, Cañete JD, Azem M, Delle Sedie A, Salvarani C, Ranza R, Elliott A et al. Management of Enthesitis in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis: An Updated Literature Review Informing the 2021 GRAPPA Treatment Recommendations. J Rheumatol. 2022 Nov 1:jrheum.220312. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.220312. PMID: 36319005

Elliott A, McGonagle D, Rooney M. Integrating imaging and biomarker assessment to better define pso-riatic arthritis and predict response to biologic therapy. Rheumatology. 2021;60(Supplement_6):vi38-vi52. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/keab504

Elliott A, Pendleton A, Wright G, Rooney M. The relationship between the nail and systemic enthesitis in psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatol Adv Pract. 2021;5(3):rkab088. doi:10.1093/rap/rkab088

Elliott A, Wight G. Real world data on Secukinumab use for Psoriatic Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondyli-tis. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2019, Vol 11: 1-2

Elliott A, Torres D, Pendleton A. The Nail bed as window to disease: The development of a Nurse Led Capillaroscopy service.Ulster Med J 2019;88(2):87-88

Elliott A, Burke R, Liggett N. No pain no gain? A Mini Case series on Exercise Induced Rhab-domyolysis. Ulster Med J 2015; 84 (2): 1-4

Treatments and areas of interest

  • Inflammatory arthritis including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Gout
  • Lupus and Connective Tissue Disease
  • Inflammatory Muscle Disease (Myositis)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
  • Soft Tissue Disorders
  • Joint Injections
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Oseteoporosis

Consultation Fee

Initial Face-to-Face Consultation Fee £240

Follow-up/ Review Consultation Fee £190

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Belfast & North West

A £35.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Sligo

A €10.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Associated Insurance Companies

  • H3
  • Bupa
  • AXA
  • Aviva
  • Vitality
  • WPA

Kingsbridge Private Hospital
811-815 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7GX

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028 9066 7878
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Dr Ashley Elliott's Services

At our Belfast location
Fibromyalgia Rheumatology

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A credit or debit card is necessary to secure your booking. The card will be saved as your default payment method. You'll receive notifications regarding any outstanding balances. For details on the information we collect and process, while providing your healthcare, please refer to our privacy policy. By using this service, you consent to our privacy policy.

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