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Dr David Hunter

Consultant Gynaecologist

GMC NO.3585487
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Dr Hunter's private practice mirrors his NHS practice. In addition to offering consultations and treatment for many general gynaecological conditions, his areas of special interest are in the investigation and management of patients with endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, recurrent miscarriage, menstrual dysfunction and female sterilisation. 

Dr Hunter graduated MB BCH BAO from QUB in 1992. He achieved membership of the RCOG in 1998 and was awarded an MD by QUB in 1998. He have been employed as an NHS Consultant Gynaecologist in the Royal Victoria Hospital and subsequently the Belfast Trust since 2005.

Having graduated from Queen's University Belfast in 1992 he worked through the local O&G training program, taking a sabbatical in 2000-2001 to undertake a clinical fellowship with Professor Ray Garry in Middlesbrough. During this time Dr Hunter was actively involved in the unit's research and as a result of his own research into the pre-operative imaging and staging of endometriosis was awarded MD by QUB in 2004.

Dr Hunter completed his post graduate training in late 2004 and was appointed Consultant in Gynaecology in the Royal Victoria Hospital in 2005 and practiced there (and subsequently in the Belfast HSC Trust) until his resignation in 2020. During this time, as well as providing general gynaecological services, he developed a multidisciplinary (solo rectal surgeon, urology surgeon, imaging consultant, pain specialist, fertility specialist) team for the management of patients with advanced endometriosis and was central to the establishment of a dedicated clinic for women experiencing recurrent miscarriages. Contacts with the team members will be retained in private practice post resignation.
Dr Hunter maintains appraisal and revalidation in keeping with GMC (registration number 3585487) regulations and enjoys attending conferences and exchanging thoughts and ideas about patient management. His current indemnifiers are the MDDUS.


MB BCH BAO, Queen's University Belfast, 1992

MRCOG, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1998

MD, Queen's University Belfast, 2004

Professional bodies (Positions held in last 3 years)

Member of the Ulster Obstetric and Gynaecological Society

Member of the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Member of the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy

Member of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Endocrinology

Treatments and areas of interest

  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pregnancy planning advice
  • Early pregnancy problems
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Hirsutism
  • Sub fertility
  • Infertility
  • Menstrual dysfunction
  • Heavy menstrual loss
  • Hormone imbalance
  • PMS
  • PMDD
  • Contraception advice
  • Female health screening

Consultation Fee

Initial Face-To-Face Consultation Fee £200

Follow Up Consultation Fee £150

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Belfast & North West

A £35.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Administration Fee - Kingsbridge Sligo

A €10.00 admin fee is charged in addition to the Consultation Fee

Associated Insurance Companies

  • Bupa
  • AXA
  • Aviva
  • Vitality
  • WPA

Kingsbridge Help & Support

A credit or debit card is necessary to secure your booking. The card will be saved as your default payment method. You'll receive notifications regarding any outstanding balances. For details on the information we collect and process, while providing your healthcare, please refer to our privacy policy. By using this service, you consent to our privacy policy.

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